
We are #forestproud.

#forestproud is a cutting-edge communications effort powered by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) and supported by a diverse coalition of organizational supporters and project partners and people across the sector committed to stewarding and championing forest climate solutions. As a community, we are committed to keeping forests as forests, reimagining our cities, rethinking our carbon future, and reconnecting people to forests.

What are Forest Climate Solutions? 

We are dedicated to building awareness and support for forest climate solutions. From planting, managing, and conserving forests, to  innovative products and materials that are sustainably sourced from them, we highlight the critical role forests and forest products play in shaping the future of our climate.

Forests provide incredible benefits: clean air, clean water, habitat for wildlife, carbon sequestration and storage. When sourced sustainably and produced responsibly, the materials and products forests provide can have a similar impact, offering renewable, recyclable, climate-positive alternatives to non-renewable materials.


Collectively, these are forest climate solutions: products, programs, initiatives, materials, and applications that provide innovative solutions and strong, healthy, resilient forests.



TL;DR: We believe:

  • Forests provide powerful climate solutions.  
  • Forest management is how we deliver those solutions.  
  • Forest markets + products are how we sustain those solutions.
  • Our people are essential to our ability to provide these solutions


How Can You Engage? 

  • Be an Organizational Supporter. Help support the brand, build our community, and shape the #forestproud content. 
  • Become a Partner. Collaborate on specific content, projects, and campaigns.  
  • DonateWalk the walk when it comes to forests and climate. Tax deductible for individuals and organizations.
  • Rep. Check out our swag. Tell your friends what makes you #forestproud to be part of the solution and part of the community.

Have questions? Want to get involved with #forestproud? Shoot us a note.