Our Team
Meet the #forestproud team!
Rae loves trees and wants to change the world. (Small goals right?) She has a strong belief in the need for efficient communication and collaboration between organizations working on different aspects of a single greater goal: keeping forests as forests.
Rae has a background in sociology and anthropology and used to focus on anti-poverty efforts across the USA. This gives her insight into the connection between people, society, and the ways in which we interact with and manage our natural resources.
A regular participant in invasive species removal and storm water management projects at state and local parks, she is a budding bird-watcher by circumstance, but is only really at the LBB (little brown bird!) level. It's a work in progress...
Need to get ahold of us?
Email us at info@forestproud.org or membership@safnet.org or send us mail at: Society of American Foresters | #forestproud 2121 K ST NW Ste 315 Washington, DC 20037
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