Urban Forests

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Photo by Hans Isaacson for the National Association of State Foresters. Woman planting a tree near a community garden.

Urban Forestry: An Origin Story

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To answer the question “what is urban forestry?” we need to go back – way back – to the 1800’s when forestry first emerged on the scene as a profession.


RECLAIMED | The Urban Wood Project

The Urban Wood Project began as a quest to reclaim wood from abandoned city homes. It very quickly became about so much more.

Healthy Trees Healthy Lives

Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives

As research is being conducted and becoming available, findings reinforce what much of the urban forestry community already knows — that trees have a positive impact on human health.

graphic of street tree

Fast Facts | Trees + Property Values

What’s the easiest way to increase the value of your property? It might be as simple as planting a tree.

Graphic of street tree in GA, USA

Fast Facts | Trees + Transportation

How many trees do you need to offset your commute? One tree is needed to offset emissions for every 2 gallons of gas.


Fast Facts | Safer Driving

Studies show that trees along streets lead to safer driving. Just another way trees are helping us to reimagine our communities for the better.
