Reconnecting People and Forests

Reshaping perceptions for generations to come.

Forests and forest products make a large and diverse contribution to people’s everyday lives. As populations change and adapt over time, so do forests. As #forestproud community members, it’s our responsibility to be part of the solution to sustain and improve the health of our environment.

When reconnecting people and forests, a stronger relationship is made between essential forest benefits and products and those that use them everyday.

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Urban Wood Utilization

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Explore what actually goes into managing urban trees and forests and how communities are balancing economic, environmental, and climate goals.


Urban Wood.


Explore what actually goes into managing urban trees and forests and how communities are balancing economic, environmental, and climate goals.


How Your Packaging Choices Directly Invest in Our Planet

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Explore what actually goes into managing urban trees and forests and how communities are balancing economic, environmental, and climate goals.


Adapting forests for a changing climate in the Adirondacks

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As our cities continue to grow, so do the challenges they face. Reimagine the way society lives, works, and plays by moving our cities from climate problems, to climate solutions.

Road sign reading 14 day mandated quarantine.

Standing Proud

You grow through what you go through. And through it all, we’ll be here. Standing proud.

Paper Employee

Thank You to Paper and Wood Products Employees

We all rely on paper products for our daily lives. The employees at paper and wood products mills across the country are safely and sustainably manufacturing the goods we need.
